Rev. Terreth Klaver
Pastor Terreth Klaver has been married to his wife Martha for fifteen years and they have been blessed with seven children. He earned his bachelor’s degree at Reformed Bible College (now Kuyper college) and his MDiv at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. Hue has been in the ministry for over fifteen years. He previously served the Southern Presbyterian church of Launceston, Tasmania Australia and the Heritage Reformed Congregation of Chilliwack, British Columbia Canada. He has been pastoring the Grace Reformed Christian Church of Harrison Arkansas for three years and overseeing their church plant, the Heritage Reformed Church of Conway since its inception.

Dr. David Lipsy
Pastor Lipsy and his wife Ruth have been married for 42 years and are blessed with 8 children and 31 grandchildren. After attending Rutgers College of Pharmacy for 4 years, Pastor Lipsy completed a B.A. in Education and served 14 years as a Christian school teacher and then principal in Wisconsin. He received an M.Div. from PRTS in Grand Rapids, completed introductory and advanced certificate programs in Biblical counseling at CCEF in Glenside, PA, and received a DMin in counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He pastored Heritage Reformed Congregations in New Jersey for 9 years, Arkansas for 5 years, and Ontario for over 10 years. He most recently accepted a call from his former congregation in Arkansas to shepherd a church plant two hours south in Conway.
As a Heritage Reformed congregation, we believe that we should live and worship to the glory of God, believing in the person and work of Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our understanding of this must conform with the Scriptures and that this is best expressed in the historic Christian creeds and Reformed confessions.
The Word of God is inspired, inerrant, (2 Ti 3:16-17), and infallible, (2 Pe 1:19-21) and is the self-revelation of the holy Triune God (Matt 28-18-20) who is just, loving, and sovereign. Because He is holy and just, he must punish sin. (Ac 17:24-31) Because He is loving, he sent His son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to suffer the wrath of God against sin and satisfy the just demands of the Law in our place. (Ro 5:6-11) It is the work of the Spirit to apply this work in our lives – to change us from our total depravity (Ro 3:10-18) unto life, and to enable us to live in increasing conformity to the image of Christ. (Ro 8:9-17, 2 Cor 3:18) His sovereignty guarantees His work of redemption from the personal (Eph 1:4-5) to the cosmic level. (Rev. 5)
Creeds and Confessions
While the scripture alone forms our rule for life, we believe that the historic Christian creeds express the Christian faith well, and respond to heresies that have threatened the church since the time of the apostles. These are the Apostle’s Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. Later, the Protestant Reformation led to the writing of the Belgic Confession of Faith (1561), The Heidelberg Catechism (1563), and the Canons of Dort (1618 & 1619) which we believe to be faithful summaries of the central doctrines of Scripture and are useful in understanding the historic Christian faith. As a denomination, we also subscribe to the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms. You can learn about and read all of these here:
We believe that our worship should be reverential, Word-based, Christ-focused, and life-transforming. By this we understand that our Holy God should be worshiped as befitting His majesty, (Ps. 29:2) and as directed in His word, not by whatever means we see fit. (Num 16, Heb 12:28) That the worshiper must appear before God in accordance with His word, trusting the blood and work of Christ, (Heb 9:11-28) and that our attention should be directed to him throughout the
service. (1 Cor 2:1-2) Ultimately, this must transform us, as the truths of scripture must not only be heard but lived. (James 1:22-25) Each aspect of our worship service, from the faithful administration of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, the singing of psalms, to experiential preaching, aims to promote these goals.
We are a close-knit community of believers that meet weekly in addition to our Sunday services to study the Word of God, pray, fellowship, and share meals together. Our worship of God should encompass all of life and we seek to encourage this in each other. (Heb 10:24-25) It is our great desire to see that Jesus Christ is glorified both in our lives, and in others who we meet, so it is our privilege to welcome those new to us with the love which we have received from Christ. (2 For 5:14-21)
Our Denomination
The Heritage Reformed Congregations (HRC) is a solidly Biblical, Reformed, and orthodox denomination that is confessionally rooted in the Continental Reformation and influenced greatly by English Puritanism and Dutch polity. The word “Heritage” in the title reflects a commitment and desire to be true to this rich spiritual and theological legacy.
Learn more about our denomination and its various churches at the denominational website.